Our Process

We are committed to making every radon mitigation system we install the best performing system that we can create  — balancing both the maximum radon reduction achievable with install and energy costs also in mind. This is why each system is uniquely designed during an onsite visit. 

How it Works

  1. Test your home for radon gas
  2. Request a mitigation estimate if levels are higher than recommended
  3. Schedule home visit to design and quote mitigation system
    • If this is a real estate transaction, we have access to homes the same way a Real Estate agent would so you do not need to meet us — we will email or call you with the estimate.
    • Here is an example radon mitigation system bid.
  1. Schedule radon mitigation installation
    • We do multiple jobs daily so we can meet most timelines!
  1. Follow-up testing after installation 
    • To verify radon levels have declined, we perform electronic radon testing to understand how well the system is working as soon as 50 hours after installation is complete.
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