Family Handyman – Radon Mitigation

We are excited to share with everyone that we were featured in the March 2017 issue of The Family Handyman.  The quality of our work is truly worthy of a magazine.  The mitigation system that is featured in the magazine article is one of our actual jobs.  We do the same quality work on every system that we install, so it was easy to allow a photo crew follow us through an actual installation.

If you have wondered how a mitigation system is installed or the installation process that we follow, you can read the full article on radon mitigation.  The full article is Courtesy of The Family Handyman.

Our website has a lot of other great information on radon and radon mitigation.  You can view a lot of our work in our featured projects section, our process for radon mitigation, answer to common radon mitigation questions, and what to look for when having a radon test conducted.

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